View Public Input on TCI-P

This page shows public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal. You can submit your input here.
For more information on how to reach out to your jurisdiction directly, see the TCI Jurisdiction Points of Contact page.
All public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal since March 1, 2021 appears on this page. You can view public input from the 2019-2020 policy development process here.
First Lastsort descending Affiliation City State Input File
Kevin Leveret with all that is righteous wrj Vermont
Why shouldn't agents of ecologic devastation (from litterbugs to corporations) be fined a sum commiserate with the cost of clean-up? Why hasn't such legislation already been enacted ......
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Rachel Levy Virginia Interfaith Power & Light member Ashland Virginia
[I/we] call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of...
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Jacqui Lieberman Self Washington District of Columbia
I am supportive of the TCI-P. While it is not a perfect solution, it will move the ball forward to decrease air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, improve public health, and generate revenues...
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W Liepmann taxpayer, resident, voter Middlesex Vermont
Nourishing the VT Environmental warrants equal support with economic development. The environment and development are two equal blades of the shears with which humans carve the future of Vermont;...
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Savannah Lindquist Lifelong Virginia Resident Norfolk Virginia
I am strongly opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. This would increase gas taxes in order to pay for unfair corporate welfare handouts for favored industries. It's not responsible public...
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Jim Lindsay None Arlington Virginia
Transportation emissions are a huge driver of climate change, accounting for nearly half of Virginia’s carbon output, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls disproportionately on low-...
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Edward Long Longhill Technologies Waynesboro Virginia
As a Ph.D. Physicist I am technically aware of the burdensome cost and technically ineffectiveness of the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI.)

Virginia should not join the TCI because...
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Edward Long Longhill Technologies Waynesboro Virginia
As a Ph.D. Physicist I am technically aware of the burdensome cost and technically ineffectiveness of the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI.)

Virginia should not join the TCI because...
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Leslie Louden Arlington, VA resident Arlington Virginia
I strongly support the TCI-P Model Rule as an essential next step on the road to decarbonization.

A 2018 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirms that...
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Allison Love none Stanardsville Virginia
There is NOTHING else more important than protecting the air that we breathe and the planet on which we reside. Human beings can change, but to do so, we must put aside greed and selfishness, and...
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Carolyn Lyle VA resident Alexandria Virginia
"[I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of...
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Mike M. Self New City New York
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments...
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Heyward Macdonald independent Charlottesville Virginia
$.50 a gallon?

Come, now. Really?
Matt Macunas Connecticut Green Bank Hartford Connecticut
Letter attached
CGB Input_TCI Model Rule 050721.pdf
Ivy Main McLean Virginia
I support a strong TCI as a response to the climate crisis and the need to decarbonize the economy. It's important that resources are allocated in a way that achieves other benefits, too,...
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Phyllis Manning none Pirtsmouth Virginia
I am opposed to TCI
David Marotta Private Citizen Charlottesville Virginia
Why would you think that essentially a tax on gasoline would be good for Virginians? Why use the poor object of taxation to gather more for the government coffers? Why not just raise the sale tax...
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Tim Marr VPIRG member Bennington Vermont
Please sign on the TCI-P with other northeastern states, with emphasis on equity and action. Many good paying jobs will result! Thank you.
Brynne Martin None Burlington Vermont
I fully support this equitable transportation program. This is something that Vermonters need now and to protect Vermont’s future.
Carl Martin Norwich University Montpelier Vermont
Transportation emissions account for almost half of climate pollution in Vermont. In order to meet our requirements under the Global Warming Solutions Act, we must substantially decrease emissions...
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