5/7/2021 |
Tony |
Rogers |
Pelham MA Energy Committee |
Pelham |
Massachusetts |
Please understand that I offer my comments in the spirit of someone who really wants the TCI-P to be successful and to make a big difference in our climate emissions. We need it to be successful!... read more Please understand that I offer my comments in the spirit of someone who really wants the TCI-P to be successful and to make a big difference in our climate emissions. We need it to be successful! But, as proposed, it is an embarrassment. 1) The claims of on the order of 25% reductions of transportation emissions over 10 years is based, by your own admission, on overly optimistic projections of the effect of other transportation policies. TCI-P itself will have a miniscule effect on transportation emissions. The over-selling of TCI-P is totally transparent and will only lead to effective opposition. 2) The amount of funding produced by TCI-P pales in comparison with the funds that will be needed to address transportation climate emissions in the member states. 3) Limiting transportation fuel price increases to levels that will be undetectable within the normal fluctuations of fuel prices reveals the lack of political will on the part of TCI-P states to step out and lead on climate change. The proposal is an embarrassment from the point of view someone who is rooting for NE states to address climate emissions. It is time for TCI-P participants to look in the mirror and decide if they have the courage to lead at a time when we need honest leadership or if they can, with a clear conscience, continue to sell a failure of leadership with deceptive claims of wonderful results. |
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5/5/2021 |
Stephen |
Cooper |
U.S. Government Defense Contractor |
Palmyra |
Virginia |
Virginia cannot afford to join the TCI. The cost to the energy sector will trickle down and impact all Virginians using fuel. Virginia cannot afford to join the TCI. The cost to the energy sector will trickle down and impact all Virginians using fuel. |
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3/29/2021 |
Kristin |
Armstrong |
Petroleum Tax Tools |
Oklahoma City |
Oklahoma |
How will you account for retail stations that could bring in fuel to the TCI jurisdictions from non-TCI jurisdictions via rail or truck? Is there a true up of amounts capped and amounts delivered... read more How will you account for retail stations that could bring in fuel to the TCI jurisdictions from non-TCI jurisdictions via rail or truck? Is there a true up of amounts capped and amounts delivered to gas stations in the TCI jurisdictions?
Gas stations can sell fuel for off-road use for instance to use in farming. How will those deductions be accounted for as the fuel supplier/distributor may not be aware of these deductions?
Is there a fine, penalty or fee associated with a supplier using more allowances than they hold? What happens if demand outnumbers the capped amount? Is it possible for jurisdictions to trade capped amounts in a situation where MA needs has reached its cap and still has demand but RI has a way to go before it reaches their cap. Could RI reallocate allowances to MA?
Will every state use the same allowance (EATS) system?
It seems that the allowances could be traded or sold similar to RINS in biodiesel space. Is that an accurate assumption? If so this creates a another market for fuel suppliers to make profits, is there a means that the states benefit from such market (such as income tax)?
Has this information been sent to fuel suppliers and terminal operators in the TCI jurisdictions for feedback?
I think this is a very thorough and well thought out plan. Great job!!
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3/31/2021 |
Leslie |
Bellas |
Citizen |
Oakland |
Maryland |
Please see the attached comment letter. Please see the attached comment letter. |
FINAL Comments on TCI-P_LB.pdf |
4/6/2021 |
Nicole |
Wong |
Dream Corps Green For All |
Oakland |
California |
Please see the attached "Equity Advisory Body Principles" submitted by RACCE, Transit Forward Philadelphia, BlueGreen Alliance, Dream Corps Green For All, Pittsburghers for Public... read more Please see the attached "Equity Advisory Body Principles" submitted by RACCE, Transit Forward Philadelphia, BlueGreen Alliance, Dream Corps Green For All, Pittsburghers for Public Transit, Clean Air Council, NAACP New York State Conference, Virginia State Conference NAACP, Transport Hartford, Chispa Maryland, and Make the Road CT. |
Equity Advisory Body Principles_Model Rule Comments 4-6-21.pdf |
8/20/2021 |
Nicole |
Wong |
Dream Corps Green For All |
Oakland |
California |
Please see the attached letter from Transit Forward Philadelphia, Pittsburghers for Public Transit, RACCE, CHISPA Maryland, Transport Hartford Academy, Make the Road Connecticut, Clean Air Council... read more Please see the attached letter from Transit Forward Philadelphia, Pittsburghers for Public Transit, RACCE, CHISPA Maryland, Transport Hartford Academy, Make the Road Connecticut, Clean Air Council, and Dream Corps Green For All in response to the Model Implementation Plan, Strategies for Regional Collaboration, and Draft Framework on Public Engagement. |
8_20_21 Group Comment Letter in Response to 7_10 TCI Documents.pdf |
5/8/2021 |
jeffrey |
parnes |
us citizen |
oak hill |
Virginia |
I saw neither definitions of overburdened nor underserved, which make up the basis for section xx-3. I assume that overburdened refers to that segment of the population which is taxed at a higher... read more I saw neither definitions of overburdened nor underserved, which make up the basis for section xx-3. I assume that overburdened refers to that segment of the population which is taxed at a higher rate than a specified percentage of the median burden rate. |
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5/5/2021 |
Linda |
Gray |
Norwich Energy Committee (for identification purposes only) |
Norwich |
Vermont |
Vermont's participation in TCI-P is one of our best avenues for reducing transportation emissions. It offers us a unique opportunity, and there's plenty of leeway to target how TCI-P... read more Vermont's participation in TCI-P is one of our best avenues for reducing transportation emissions. It offers us a unique opportunity, and there's plenty of leeway to target how TCI-P revenue is spent and address equity issues. But we can't make those policy choices if we don't join TCI-P, so let's sign on. |
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4/27/2021 |
Kenneth |
Stransky |
Vermont resident |
Vermont |
I live in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont in the border town of Norton. Our primary industry is maple syrup production and tourism both very dependent on local state managed roads, not the... read more I live in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont in the border town of Norton. Our primary industry is maple syrup production and tourism both very dependent on local state managed roads, not the interstate. I ask for support of local connectivity projects that will help our local economy and improve the local climate impacts. |
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5/6/2021 |
William |
Dove |
UVA Health |
North Garden |
Virginia |
1) I’m opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will cost consumers and businesses too much at the gas pump.
2) Virginia should not join TCI. It will impact average citizens, truckers... read more 1) I’m opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will cost consumers and businesses too much at the gas pump.
2) Virginia should not join TCI. It will impact average citizens, truckers and businesses alike.
3) Virginia cannot afford to join the TCI. The cost to the energy sector will trickle down and impact all Virginians using fuel.
4) This will slow the economic recovery from the COVID crisis
5) I fear the funds from such a liberal minded action will not be well used for the public good.
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5/7/2021 |
Jesse |
Bohl |
None |
North Chesterfield |
Virginia |
If the level of carbon pumped into our air by fossil fuels is not curtailed greatly and very soon, there will be no air left for us, as well as lots of other living beings to breath. If the level of carbon pumped into our air by fossil fuels is not curtailed greatly and very soon, there will be no air left for us, as well as lots of other living beings to breath. |
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5/5/2021 |
Savannah |
Lindquist |
Lifelong Virginia Resident |
Norfolk |
Virginia |
I am strongly opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. This would increase gas taxes in order to pay for unfair corporate welfare handouts for favored industries. It's not responsible public... read more I am strongly opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. This would increase gas taxes in order to pay for unfair corporate welfare handouts for favored industries. It's not responsible public policy, and the citizens of Virginia should not be forced to pay for corporate welfare, especially as our economy struggles to recover after Covid-19. |
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5/7/2021 |
William |
Stiles |
Wetlands Watch |
Norfolk |
Virginia |
Lowering carbon emissions in the transportation sector is essential. I strongly support the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program and the proposed model rule. The prospect of being able,... read more Lowering carbon emissions in the transportation sector is essential. I strongly support the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program and the proposed model rule. The prospect of being able, through this model rule, to have the cost of fuels include their pollution costs while generating needed income for alternative fuel infrastructure is a win-win. I strongly support this model rule as a way to accelerate our transition to a cleaner future. |
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5/7/2021 |
Cynthia |
Molina |
N/A |
Norfolk |
Virginia |
I believe that it is necessary for loss of the past so that we can reduce the carbon footprint that results from overuse of vehicles including tractor trailers. I think that Amazon is doing the... read more I believe that it is necessary for loss of the past so that we can reduce the carbon footprint that results from overuse of vehicles including tractor trailers. I think that Amazon is doing the right thing by creating more electric vehicles including tractor trailer electric vehicles in order to reduce the carbon footprint which is a result of using diesel fuel powered vehicles. |
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5/7/2021 |
Lynne E |
Miceli |
Private Citizen |
Virginia |
I strongly support the TCI-P for Virginia. I particularly support it in view of the fact that the Biden administration is now working to update transportation and other infrastructure with an... read more I strongly support the TCI-P for Virginia. I particularly support it in view of the fact that the Biden administration is now working to update transportation and other infrastructure with an intent to mitigate Climate Change. We are in the midst of a crucial paradigm shift and the stronger the partnership working through that change, the better. Virginia needs a TCI-P Model Rule to make sure that overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive an appropriate share of investments from the program. |
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5/7/2021 |
Jane |
Pellegrino |
Virginia Interfaith Power and Light |
Norfolk |
Virginia |
Efficient mass transportation is an important part of a climate conscious future. Efficient mass transportation is an important part of a climate conscious future. |
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5/11/2021 |
Donna |
Casella |
Williamsburg Indivisible |
Newport News, Va |
Virginia |
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of... read more I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments from the program, (2) integration of air quality commitments across Virginia, and (3) robust empowerment of Virginia's Equity Advisory Body. |
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5/7/2021 |
Daniel |
Giesy |
Retired |
Newport News |
Virginia |
Transportation emissions are a huge driver of climate change, accounting for nearly half of Virginia’s carbon output, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls disproportionately on low-... read more Transportation emissions are a huge driver of climate change, accounting for nearly half of Virginia’s carbon output, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls disproportionately on low-income populations and communities of color.
The Transportation and Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P) is a welcome step forward to addressing this major source of pollution, while steering needed investments in a modern, sustainable transportation system.
Funding provided by the TCI-P could help with ongoing efforts to put more electric vehicles on the road in Virginia along with equitably distributed charging infrastructure across the state.
The TCI-P also presents the opportunity to drive investments in a cleaner transportation system in the communities that have suffered the most from vehicle pollution. While the model rule calls for at least 35 percent of TCI proceeds to go toward frontline, impacted communities, here in Virginia I would hope we go above and beyond that benchmark, investing at least half of our TCI revenue in programs and infrastructure that will lower this disproportionate pollution burden.
I hope this important framework moves forward for the good of our climate, our health and our future.
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5/7/2021 |
David |
Lazarus |
Virginia League of Conservation Voters |
Newport News |
Virginia |
With roughly 16% of all deaths worldwide being due to air pollution, it's long past time that we curb air pollution caused by exhaust from poorly maintained vehicles. Emissions needs to be... read more With roughly 16% of all deaths worldwide being due to air pollution, it's long past time that we curb air pollution caused by exhaust from poorly maintained vehicles. Emissions needs to be part of the state inspection and drivers (whether they own or lease) should be required to keep emissions under control.
Taking things a step further, the government should actively incentivize the purchase of electric vehicles by making them much more affordable to the working class. |
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4/30/2021 |
Carole |
O'Connell |
None |
Newport City |
Vermont |
As a senior who currently cannot afford to purchase and maintain a vehicle, I support the TCI-P. Public transportation needs to be ubiquitous, affordable, and accessible to all Vermonters,... read more As a senior who currently cannot afford to purchase and maintain a vehicle, I support the TCI-P. Public transportation needs to be ubiquitous, affordable, and accessible to all Vermonters, especially seniors and low-income folks. Public transportation can be electric; not everyone can afford to purchase an electric vehicle, so this will help the environment. It provides a way for people to get to jobs not located in their immediate environs, and connects communities, encouraging shopping, visiting family and friends, and attendance at events that currently require a vehicle to reach. Public transportation also needs to be advertised and encouraged, so Vermonters know it is available and affordable. |
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