View Public Input on TCI-P

This page shows public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal. You can submit your input here.
For more information on how to reach out to your jurisdiction directly, see the TCI Jurisdiction Points of Contact page.
All public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal since March 1, 2021 appears on this page. You can view public input from the 2019-2020 policy development process here.
First Last Affiliation Citysort ascending State Input File
Hank Reardon Freedom Forest Virginia
Attention commie s$itbags. Stop wrecking virginia with your tax and spend and tax some more initiatives. We already pay more at the pump thanks to your dementia patient president. Let's not...
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Kent A Bourgault republican Fitchburg Massachusetts
I would like to submit my disapproval for the Commonwealth of Massachusett's participation in the TCI.
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Christopher Labosier Longwood University Farmville Virginia
Please find the attached comments.
Douglas Anderson N/A Falmouth Virginia
I do not believe we need a carbon tax here in Virginia, we already pay more than enough in taxes. Taxing diesel more will not only increase the fuel tax, but our food supply, as well as...
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John Calhoun Lewinsville Faith in Action Falls Church, VA Virginia
The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) aims to reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector by establishing a "cap and invest program to decrease air pollutions and generate...
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John Clewett Lewinsville Faith in Action Falls Church Virginia
We enthusiastically support the adoption of TCI-P by Virginia and other states in the region. TCI-P is a win-win proposition that will improve air quality and people's health while...
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Cindy Speas Lewinsville Faith in Action Falls Church Virginia
I am a Fairfax County resident working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the Countywide Energy and Climate Action Plan. It is critical that we all urgently work to reduce the biggest...
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Cynthia Wackerbarth Knox Presbyterian Church Falls Church Virginia
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments...
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Steven Vogel Citizen (retired) Falls Church Virginia
Transportation emissions are a huge driver of climate change, accounting for nearly half of Virginia’s carbon output, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls disproportionately on low-...
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Steven Vogel Private Citizen (retired) Falls Church Virginia
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include the following:

(1) A minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-...
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Kenneth Gehan N/A Fairfax City Virginia
I firmly REJECT any tax increase ! That is the LAST thing we need or want !!! Times are tough enough without MORE TAXES !! :o(
Tom Brzoska None Fairfax Virginia
Just another reason to leave this God forsaken state since the Democrats took over. More bulls**t on the citizens with nothing in return.
David Kuebrich Our revolution Falls Church Fairfax Virginia
The proposed Transportation and Climate Initiative Program should be adopted immediately.

The TCI-P is an excellent initial plan for cutting vehicle emissions in Virginia (and...
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Eric Goplerud Faith Alliance for climate Solutions Fairfax Virginia
It’s essential that we have Strong transportation leadership to address climate change
Ralph "Carlton" Ballowe None Faber Virginia
In this time of extreme hardship for businesses and individuals due to COVID shutdowns and recession, it is hard to imagine any elected leader considering imposing additional hardship on consumers...
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Jeff Schafer None Everett Washington

"According to soil scientists, at current rates of soil destruction (i.e. decarbonization,.....),....we will literally no longer have enough arable topsoil to feed ourselves....
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'DECARBONIZATION' is causing 'SOIL DESTRUCTION' (from Regenerative Agriculture site) [WORD version].docx
Natalee Braun 350VT Burlington School District Essex Vermont
I urge Vermont to participate in the Transportation and Climate Initiative. This is a pivotal moment in our history - we need to act decisively now to cut carbon emissions or the results will be...
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Dan and Ann Green N/A East Montpelier Vermont
There are many levers that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. TCI-P is a big one. We urge you to join in supporting it.
Akara Draper none East Dummerston Vermont
Dear Governor Scott,

I feel that it is imperative that Vermont join the TCI-P. The program needs to achieve three critical needs: it must strengthen the Vermont economy, reduce carbon...
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Timothy Howe farmer land conservation East Calais Palau
This must be supported for it is our responsibility to undo the damage done to the atmosphere for our families future and for the future of many species.This is one important step to...
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