View Public Input on TCI-P
This page shows public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal. You can submit your input here.
For more information on how to reach out to your jurisdiction directly, see the TCI Jurisdiction Points of Contact page.
All public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal since March 1, 2021 appears on this page. You can view public input from the 2019-2020 policy development process here.
Date | First | Last | Affiliation |
City![]() |
State | Input | File |
5/4/2021 | Kevin | Leveret | with all that is righteous | wrj | Vermont |
Why shouldn't agents of ecologic devastation (from litterbugs to corporations) be fined a sum commiserate with the cost of clean-up? Why hasn't such legislation already been enacted ...... read more |
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5/4/2021 | Michael | Gore | Home Healthcare | Worcester | Vermont |
Many of the clients that I work with would benefit from this initiative. |
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5/5/2021 | James | O'Hanlon | Business owner/EV owner | Worcester | Vermont |
Hello, read more I am a business owner and environmentally minded resident of Vermont. I am also an EV driver and have been since 2014. Since I purchased my first EV 7 years ago I have seen the... |
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4/27/2021 | Kathleen Voigt | Walsh | Resident of Vermont | Winooski | Vermont |
In any and all plans, it is a MUST that all communities be brought to the table. By this I mean, community-specific outreach must be made to communities whose voices in the past have been absent... read more |
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4/27/2021 | Ark | Lemal | ? | Williston | Vermont |
The sooner we stop paying for fossil fuels to move ourselves around the state, the fewer dollars leave the state and less CO2 ends up in the atmosphere. It's a win-win for VT. Let's get... read more |
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5/7/2021 | Leonard | Scharf | NTRA | Williamsburg | Virginia |
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and under served communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments... read more |
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5/7/2021 | Darleen | Rudnick | self | Williamsburg | Virginia |
I'm opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will cost consumers and businesses too much at the gas pump. read more |
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4/12/2021 | Juan | Briceno | Benchmark Renewable Energy | Wilkesboro | North Carolina |
Dear sir: read more We want to know the impact of low carbon renewable ethanol produced in the southeast may have in the TCI P. 1. Will there be an incentive per gallon for low carbon index... |
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4/27/2021 | SPENCER | PUTNAM | Climate Economy Action Center | Weybridge | Vermont |
Climate Economy Action Center of Addison County (CEAC) is developing a Climate Action Plan and reducing transportation-related emissions is a key element. We need the TCI-P to help us reach our... read more |
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5/5/2021 | Terry | Bosworth | democrat | Westford | Vermont |
Terrific plan! Reduce pollution, stimulate the economy, focus on the most needy, cooperate with other states. Please support TCI-P |
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9/17/2021 | John | McGannon | TVSU | Westbrook | Connecticut |
TCI-P is a smart, proactive, fair and innovative piece of legislation that will create jobs & require that polluters do their share to create accountability, economic and environmental... read more |
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5/7/2021 | Edward | Long | Longhill Technologies | Waynesboro | Virginia |
As a Ph.D. Physicist I am technically aware of the burdensome cost and technically ineffectiveness of the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI.) read more Virginia should not join the TCI because... |
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5/7/2021 | Edward | Long | Longhill Technologies | Waynesboro | Virginia |
As a Ph.D. Physicist I am technically aware of the burdensome cost and technically ineffectiveness of the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI.) read more Virginia should not join the TCI because... |
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4/27/2021 | William | April | VPIRG | Waterbury Ctr | Vermont |
We need the TCI-P to create and manage a more equitable and inexpensive public transit system. We need to add more electric powered vehicles- vans, buses, and cars. We need to cut down the green... read more |
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5/4/2021 | William | April | VPIRG | Waterbury Ctr | Vermont |
I support the TCI-P because WE will not reap the regional benefits if WE are not part of it. This program will keep the region in its' best position to control pricing and distribution of... read more |
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5/4/2021 | faith | bieler | Vt. citizen | waterbury center | Vermont |
Please...invest in cleaner more equitable transportation...putting a brake on carbon emissions!! Thanks you, Faith |
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8/13/2021 | Bill | Pugh | Coalition for Smarter Growth | Washington, DC | District of Columbia |
See attached comments by the Coalition for Smarter Growth on the draft TCI-P documents released June 10, 2020. read more In summary, we recommend that TCI-P track and report on Vehicle Miles... |
CSG TCI-P document comments Aug 13 2021.pdf |
5/7/2021 | Katie | Sullivan | IETA | Washington DC | District of Columbia |
The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) appreciates this opportunity to share input on the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P) Engagement Process and Draft Model... read more |
IETA Comments_TCI-P Draft Model Rule and Equity_7May.pdf |
4/28/2021 | Drew | Stilson | Environmental Defense Fund | Washington | District of Columbia |
EDF respectfully offers the attached comments and recommendations for consideration to the Draft Model Rule of the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program. We appreciate your consideration... read more |
EDF Comments on TCI Model Rule.pdf |
4/29/2021 | Mason | Emnett | Exelon Corporation | Washington | District of Columbia |
Attached please see the comments of Exelon Corporation |
20210429 TCI-P Comments - Exelon Corporation.pdf |