View Public Input on TCI-P
This page shows public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal. You can submit your input here.
For more information on how to reach out to your jurisdiction directly, see the TCI Jurisdiction Points of Contact page.
All public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal since March 1, 2021 appears on this page. You can view public input from the 2019-2020 policy development process here.
Date | First | Last | Affiliation |
City![]() |
State | Input | File |
5/7/2021 | Mary | Mathena | LCV | Virginia Beach | Virginia |
I would like to see an emphasis on electric vehicles and more power stations as we get closer to 2030. This should be extended to public transportation of all kinds, including paratransit. |
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8/3/2021 | Margaretha | Eckhardt | Retired | Waltham | Massachusetts |
Attractive, convenient public transportation is needed throughout the Boston area, which requires increased frequency and additional train and bus lines. I believe SMART growth principles can... read more |
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4/27/2021 | Pam | Piper | Vpirg | Warren | Vermont |
Please do whatever you can to provide green transportation to reduce carbon emissions. Thanks Pam |
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4/13/2021 | James | Whitehead | Concerned Citizen | Warrenton | Virginia |
TCI is a cleverly designed and carefully rigged machination that will read more 1. Kill working class jobs. 2. Raise taxes and reduce consumer spending. 3. Create a new level of... |
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4/28/2021 | Drew | Stilson | Environmental Defense Fund | Washington | District of Columbia |
EDF respectfully offers the attached comments and recommendations for consideration to the Draft Model Rule of the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program. We appreciate your consideration... read more |
EDF Comments on TCI Model Rule.pdf |
4/29/2021 | Mason | Emnett | Exelon Corporation | Washington | District of Columbia |
Attached please see the comments of Exelon Corporation |
20210429 TCI-P Comments - Exelon Corporation.pdf |
5/5/2021 | Sherrie | Merrow | Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica) | Washington | District of Columbia |
Please see letter in attached file. Thank you, Sherrie Merrow NGVAmerica | | 303.883.5121 |
NGVA Comments on TCI-P Draft Model Rule - May 5 2021.pdf |
5/6/2021 | Jeff | Fromuth | Resident within TCI jurisdiction | Washington | District of Columbia |
Please find comments attached. |
Comments on TCI-P Draft.docx |
5/7/2021 | Alexandra | Wyatt | GRID Alternatives | Washington | District of Columbia |
Please see attached comments. |
2021-05-07 GRID Alternatives TCI-P Draft Model Rule Comments.pdf |
5/7/2021 | Rebekah | Whilden | Sierra Club | Washington | District of Columbia |
See comments attached. |
TCI Model Rule comments Sierra Club 5.7.2021.pdf |
5/7/2021 | Stanley | Wong | NACS, NATSO, and SIGMA | Washington | District of Columbia |
Please see attached comments from the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS), the National Association of Truckstop Operators (NATSO), and the Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers... read more |
NACS NATSO SIGMA TCI Draft Model Rule - Comment Letter.pdf |
5/7/2021 | Paul | Wierenga | Independent Fuel Terminal Operators Association | Washington | District of Columbia |
Please see enclosed comments. |
Comments of IFTOA on TCI Draft Model Rule (5.7.2021).pdf |
5/7/2021 | Jacqui | Lieberman | Self | Washington | District of Columbia |
I am supportive of the TCI-P. While it is not a perfect solution, it will move the ball forward to decrease air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, improve public health, and generate revenues... read more |
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5/7/2021 | Patrick | Kelly | API | Washington | District of Columbia |
See attached. |
API Comment TCI 5.7.21.pdf |
5/9/2021 | Dan | O'Brien | Individual | Washington | District of Columbia |
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments... read more |
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5/9/2021 | Hamilton | Steimer | Joint Technology Solution Inc | Washington | District of Columbia |
This is a wonderful idea and I hope a serious, effective program will be enacted. I hope the program managers use lessons learned from other similar “cap and trade” programs, which involve... read more |
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5/9/2021 | Kay | C | Climate Reality Project | Washington | District of Columbia |
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments... read more |
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8/12/2021 | Sherrie | Merrow | NGVAmerica | Washington | District of Columbia |
Submission 1 of 2 read more Please see the NGVAmerica comment letter on the TCI-P draft materials that is attached. NOTE that I will send a second attachment that is referenced in our letter... |
NGVAmerica Comments on TCI-P draft materials - Aug 12 2021.pdf |
8/12/2021 | Sherrie | Merrow | NGVAmerica | Washington | District of Columbia |
Submission 2 of 2 read more Please see the attached letter that is referenced in the just submitted NGVAmerica comment letter on the TCI-P draft materials and let me know if you have any... |
NGVA 2nd file submission to TCI-P - CA SCAQMD Response letter 080321.pdf |
8/13/2021 | Alexandra | Wyatt | GRID Alternatives | Washington | District of Columbia |
Please see attached comments. |
GRID Alternatives Mid-Atlantic TCI Draft Implementation Plan Comments.pdf |