View Public Input on TCI-P

This page shows public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal. You can submit your input here.
For more information on how to reach out to your jurisdiction directly, see the TCI Jurisdiction Points of Contact page.
All public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal since March 1, 2021 appears on this page. You can view public input from the 2019-2020 policy development process here.
First Last Affiliationsort ascending City State Input File
Paul Verchinski Zero Emissions Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council (MD), member representing the Public Columbia Maryland
I am copying what you are proposing to do. You call yourselves The Metropolitan Group. Well there is a Federally mandated planning group established in all the metropolitan areas of the US that...
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Kirk McCauley WMDA/CAR Bowie Maryland
I have uploaded comments
Comments on Proposed TCI Model Rule.pdf
Kevin Leveret with all that is righteous wrj Vermont
Why shouldn't agents of ecologic devastation (from litterbugs to corporations) be fined a sum commiserate with the cost of clean-up? Why hasn't such legislation already been enacted ......
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Donna Casella Williamsburg Indivisible Newport News, Va Virginia
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of...
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Henry Swayze Wfvr-GreenZine and member of Being Healthy Soils Coalitions Tunbridge Vermont
We must put teeth into fixing the climate. There is no time for postponement.
William Stiles Wetlands Watch Norfolk Virginia
Lowering carbon emissions in the transportation sector is essential. I strongly support the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program and the proposed model rule. The prospect of being able,...
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faith bieler Vt. citizen waterbury center Vermont
Please...invest in cleaner more equitable transportation...putting a brake on carbon emissions!!

Thanks you,

Tim Marr VPIRG member Bennington Vermont
Please sign on the TCI-P with other northeastern states, with emphasis on equity and action. Many good paying jobs will result! Thank you.
Saly Roth VPIRG Bristol Vermont
Vermont MUST join the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program
Pam Piper Vpirg Warren Vermont
Please do whatever you can to provide green transportation to reduce carbon emissions.


Philip Hadley VPIRG Middlebury Vermont
Please join the TCI-P. Aside from the overt climate advantages, this will stop the flow of money leaving Vermont's economy for the purchase of fossil fuels. We need to push toward more...
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William April VPIRG Waterbury Ctr Vermont
We need the TCI-P to create and manage a more equitable and inexpensive public transit system. We need to add more electric powered vehicles- vans, buses, and cars. We need to cut down the green...
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Catherine Cooke VPIRG Burlington Vermont
I believe clean, equitable transportation is a necessity for Vermont. There are many areas without regular public transportation which would allow people to commute to employment and also allow...
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William April VPIRG Waterbury Ctr Vermont
I support the TCI-P because WE will not reap the regional benefits if WE are not part of it. This program will keep the region in its' best position to control pricing and distribution of...
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Jacob Hansen VPIRG Starksboro Vermont
I strongly agree with the TCI-P, as it will advance protection of our environment both here in Vermont and across all of New England. I urge you to act on the TCI-P to improve our lifestyle...
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Molly Feldman VPIRG Burlington Vermont
Governor Scott,

Our beautiful state is regarded as a sustainable, forward thinking place that takes bold action to mitigate our present climate crisis. But ultimately, we are...
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Greg Singleton Virginia resident concerned about climate change Springfield Virginia
Transportation emissions are a huge driver of climate change, accounting for nearly half of Virginia’s carbon output, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls disproportionately on low-...
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Edwin LaBarre Virginia resident and tax payer Stafford Virginia
Based on articles I have read and other research the TCI would cost Virginians hundreds of millions of dollars per year and billions of dollars over the coming decades. The projected benefit is...
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Anne Riordan Virginia Resident & Tax Payer Fredericksburg Virginia
Studies and research project that this initiative (TCI) will only reduce global temperature by a minute amount; while costing Virginians an exorbitant (regressive) carbon tax on the fuel they need...
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Brenda Miller Virginia Resident Fredericksburg Virginia
I am not in support of this initiative due to the research and the tax/increase in fuel cost.
