View Public Input on TCI-P

This page shows public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal. You can submit your input here.
For more information on how to reach out to your jurisdiction directly, see the TCI Jurisdiction Points of Contact page.
All public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal since March 1, 2021 appears on this page. You can view public input from the 2019-2020 policy development process here.
First Last Affiliationsort descending City State Input File
Sebastian Shetty Partnership for Smarter Growth Richmond Virginia
We support a strong TCI-P Model Rule that (1) ensures meaningful climate action to address Virginia's largest driver of our climate crisis, (2) directs significant investments to correcting...
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Margaret Arbogast Peaked Mountain Farm Harrisonburg Virginia
Virginia cannot afford to join the TCI. The cost to the energy sector will trickle down and impact all Virginians using fuel including farmers who produce your food. Thank you, Margaret Arbogast...
Tony Rogers Pelham MA Energy Committee Pelham Massachusetts
Please understand that I offer my comments in the spirit of someone who really wants the TCI-P to be successful and to make a big difference in our climate emissions. We need it to be successful!...
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Kristin Armstrong Petroleum Tax Tools Oklahoma City Oklahoma
How will you account for retail stations that could bring in fuel to the TCI jurisdictions from non-TCI jurisdictions via rail or truck? Is there a true up of amounts capped and amounts delivered...
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Michael Walz POET LLC Washington District of Columbia
August 13, 2021

Transportation and Climate Initiative Program

via the TCI-P Public Portal

Re: Comments of POET LLC on the Transportation and Climate Initiative...
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POET TCI Model Rule Comment Letter.pdf
Ivy Main McLean Virginia
I support a strong TCI as a response to the climate crisis and the need to decarbonize the economy. It's important that resources are allocated in a way that achieves other benefits, too,...
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Robert & Janet Chesnut Presbyterian Church Glen Allen Virginia
We support the TCI-P Rule giving more support to challenged and undeserved communities and to environmental safeguards.
Charles Grymes Prince William Conservation Alliance Manassas Virginia
Transportation sector generates the greatest percentage of Northern Virginia's greenhouse gas emissions. We need to minimize Vehicle Miles Traveled, improve gas mileage and increase the...
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Oliver Speck Private Richmond Virginia
I strongly support this.
Jeffrey Williams Private citizen Fredericksburg Virginia
As noted in the Free Lance-Star, this is an "all pain and no gain" proposal for drivers, especially low income rural and those who commute distances because they can't afford to...
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Kim McClellan private citizen Fredericksburg Virginia
This seems like a terrible idea to me and will only serve to punish average citizens who do not want nor can they afford an electric vehicle. My job is 5 miles north, my kids go to school 10...
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Gary Blevins Private Citizen Fredericksburg Virginia
This is not a good idea. It is just the way to try to get more money from the citizens of Virginia to pay for miniscule environmental benefits. DO NOT APPROVE THIS. It is a terrible idea for...
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Steven Stone private citizen Brattleboro Vermont
Transportation emissions account for almost half of climate pollution in Vermont. In order to meet our requirements under the Global Warming Solutions Act, we must substantially decrease emissions...
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Audrianne Welborn Private citizen Charlottesville Virginia
I am totally opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. This has been a devastating year for Virginia families and businesses, and most are just now beginning to regain a somewhat normal life again....
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Audrianne Welborn Private citizen Charlottesville Virginia
I am totally opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. This has been a devastating year for Virginia families and businesses, and most are just now beginning to regain a somewhat normal life again....
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Bob Shippee Private Citizen Henrico Virginia
The transportation sector is the largest generator of greenhouse gases in Virginia. I support a strong TCI-P Model Rule that ensures significant climate action to address this major contributor to...
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denis masonunneccary private citizen Charlottesville va Virginia
As a senior on fixed income I oppose this unnecessary tax.
David Marotta Private Citizen Charlottesville Virginia
Why would you think that essentially a tax on gasoline would be good for Virginians? Why use the poor object of taxation to gather more for the government coffers? Why not just raise the sale tax...
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Barbara Moore private citizen Charlottesville Virginia
Virginians cannot afford to join the TCI. This is all well and good on paper--save the planet, etc. But in reality it's to line the pockets of certain people at the expense of the average...
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Marcia Geyer private citizen Charlottesville Virginia
Virginia should join the TCI because the program is focused to decrease the harmful effects of climate change that humanity is inflicting on the earth. It is really that simple.
