5/7/2021 |
Jim |
Lindsay |
None |
Arlington |
Virginia |
Transportation emissions are a huge driver of climate change, accounting for nearly half of Virginia’s carbon output, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls disproportionately on low-... read more Transportation emissions are a huge driver of climate change, accounting for nearly half of Virginia’s carbon output, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls disproportionately on low-income populations and communities of color.
The Transportation and Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P) is a welcome step forward to addressing this major source of pollution, while steering needed investments in a modern, sustainable transportation system.
Funding provided by the TCI-P could help with ongoing efforts to put more electric vehicles on the road in Virginia along with equitably distributed charging infrastructure across the state.
The TCI-P also presents the opportunity to drive investments in a cleaner transportation system in the communities that have suffered the most from vehicle pollution. While the model rule calls for at least 35 percent of TCI proceeds to go toward frontline, impacted communities, here in Virginia I would hope we go above and beyond that benchmark, investing at least half of our TCI revenue in programs and infrastructure that will lower this disproportionate pollution burden.
I hope this important framework moves forward for the good of our climate, our health and our future.
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5/7/2021 |
Jeff |
Schafer |
None |
Everett |
Washington |
"According to soil scientists, at current rates of soil destruction (i.e. decarbonization,.....),....we will literally no longer have enough arable topsoil to feed ourselves.... read more TCI-P,
"According to soil scientists, at current rates of soil destruction (i.e. decarbonization,.....),....we will literally no longer have enough arable topsoil to feed ourselves."
DECARBONIZATION is causing Soil Destruction!!!
What we NEED is to take the extra Carbon out of the air & put it directly into the ground, where it is needed.
We do not need to fully decarbonize the transportation sector, nor is it desirable as it will CREATE other severe problems like Soil Destruction.
We need to cut-out the middlemen, like the transportation sector, & simply use Carbon Capture to take excess CO2 out of the air & inject it into the soil where it is needed most.
Way too much emphasis has been put on Carbon in the atmosphere (which is very benign) & not enough focus on gases far more dangerous to Climate Change, from refrigerant used in Air Conditioners to Methane Gas (Methane's "global warming potential is 86 times higher than carbon dioxide when averaged over 20 years").
We NEED Energy Diversity, & not rely on just 1 type of energy (like electricity), to have a BALANCED approach to a Healthy Environment while meeting our Energy Needs in a Common-Sense Clean manner (like with Renewable Gasoline, Renewable Diesel, & other Biofuels for transportation, ALL of which are made from recycled EXISTING CO2).
We should NOT be wasting Time nor Money "reinventing the wheel", which creates additional unnecessary pollution.
Nor should we go to the extremes of fully decarbonization which will lead to other More Severe Environmental problems.
Keep in mind "The current industrial food system is responsible for 44 to 57% of all global greenhouse gas emissions." (The "current industrial food system", NOT transportation.) https://regenerationinternational.org/why-regenerative-agriculture
Jeff |
'DECARBONIZATION' is causing 'SOIL DESTRUCTION' (from Regenerative Agriculture site) [WORD version].docx |
5/5/2021 |
Charles |
Winkler |
None - private citizen |
Charlottesville |
Virginia |
I oppose Virginia joining the TCI. It will raise gasoline prices too much for consumers - ordinary citizens - and businesses alike, and will negatively impact those who must commute long... read more I oppose Virginia joining the TCI. It will raise gasoline prices too much for consumers - ordinary citizens - and businesses alike, and will negatively impact those who must commute long distances to work. |
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5/5/2021 |
Aaron |
Moyer |
None-Consumer |
Ruckersville |
Virginia |
I’m opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will cost consumers and businesses too much at the gas pump. It's idiotic to believe human activity has a significant impact on world climate.... read more I’m opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will cost consumers and businesses too much at the gas pump. It's idiotic to believe human activity has a significant impact on world climate. Climate changes due to other factors. As an example, the glaciers in the US disappeared LONG before human industrialization occurred. |
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5/5/2021 |
Jason |
Kaiser |
Northern Vermont University |
Lyndonville |
Vermont |
The XX-3.1 Equity investment commitment is critical. The "overburdened and underserved communities" that this subsection refers to -- receiving "no less than 35 percent of the... read more The XX-3.1 Equity investment commitment is critical. The "overburdened and underserved communities" that this subsection refers to -- receiving "no less than 35 percent of the proceeds from the auction of allowances to ensure that overburdened and underserved communities benefit equitably from clean transportation projects and programs" is not a high enough percentage for these communities. Instead, the percent of revenue dedicated to equity investments must exceed the percentage of overburdended and underserved (to later be defined) communities in the state. Unlike a flat percentage, this would ensure that there’s enough money to make meaningful investments in our most vulnerable communities.
I am concerned that there is economic risk if Governor Scott and the Vermont Legislature refuse to join TCI-P. Like RGGI, most of the facilities that will have to purchase allowances are located outside of Vermont and, according to Vermont’s lead TCI negotiator, it is “possible and very likely” these companies will pass on their compliance costs to Vermonters regardless if Vermont participates. So, to take advantage of TCI-P’s economic benefits and avoid a situation where Vermonters are paying for modern infrastructure in states outside of Vermont, I urge Governor Phil Scott and the Vermont Legislature to support participation in TCI-P from the get-go. |
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5/5/2021 |
Linda |
Gray |
Norwich Energy Committee (for identification purposes only) |
Norwich |
Vermont |
Vermont's participation in TCI-P is one of our best avenues for reducing transportation emissions. It offers us a unique opportunity, and there's plenty of leeway to target how TCI-P... read more Vermont's participation in TCI-P is one of our best avenues for reducing transportation emissions. It offers us a unique opportunity, and there's plenty of leeway to target how TCI-P revenue is spent and address equity issues. But we can't make those policy choices if we don't join TCI-P, so let's sign on. |
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5/6/2021 |
Carl |
Martin |
Norwich University |
Montpelier |
Vermont |
Transportation emissions account for almost half of climate pollution in Vermont. In order to meet our requirements under the Global Warming Solutions Act, we must substantially decrease emissions... read more Transportation emissions account for almost half of climate pollution in Vermont. In order to meet our requirements under the Global Warming Solutions Act, we must substantially decrease emissions in this sector. According to TCI-P designers, this program would reduce our emissions 26% over 10 years alone. We need to do more, but that’s not including the additional investments in climate infrastructure we could make with the revenue received.
Climate change is also an historical injustice that predominately harms poor and non-white communities.
Currently, TCI-P states that 35% of the revenue generated from the sale of fuel credits must be dedicated to equity measures—investments in communities historically underserved by our transportation system. This is more than what’s previously been proposed, but VPIRG believes that the percent of revenue dedicated to equity investments must exceed the percentage of underserved communities in the state. Instead of a flat percentage, this would ensure that there’s enough money to make meaningful investments in our most vulnerable communities.
Carl G. Martin |
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5/5/2021 |
Heather |
Juliussen-Stevenson |
Not applicable - submitting as a private citizen |
Rutland |
Vermont |
I support TCI-P and believe that Vermont should join this initiative. It's essential to our survival in a growing climate emergency.
Thank you! read more I support TCI-P and believe that Vermont should join this initiative. It's essential to our survival in a growing climate emergency.
Thank you! |
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5/5/2021 |
Walton |
Shepherd |
NRDC Virginia |
Richmond |
Virginia |
I SUPPORT a strong TCI-P Model Rule that (1) ensures meaningful climate action to address Virginia's largest driver of our climate crisis, (2) directs significant investments to correcting... read more I SUPPORT a strong TCI-P Model Rule that (1) ensures meaningful climate action to address Virginia's largest driver of our climate crisis, (2) directs significant investments to correcting historic inequities in overburdened and underserved communities; and (3) affords Virginia the opportunity for a cleaner, healthier transportation system. |
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5/7/2021 |
Leonard |
Scharf |
Williamsburg |
Virginia |
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and under served communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments... read more I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and under served communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments from the program, (2) integration of air quality commitments across Virginia, and (3) robust empowerment of Virginia's Equity Advisory Body." |
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5/7/2021 |
Bonnie |
Caplinger |
Nursing |
Broadway |
Virginia |
What is our governor thinking??? People just are able to become mobile again. Now Biden's increase the price of gas by stopping the gas line from being built. Does the government think we... read more What is our governor thinking??? People just are able to become mobile again. Now Biden's increase the price of gas by stopping the gas line from being built. Does the government think we are idiots???? When gas goes up so do groceries, cost of building homes, rent everything!!! It always gets passed on to the consumers. Mostly the people at the bottom of the totem pole. BUT, they always say they are looking out for them. Really?? Oh but some of you got a stimulus package. Was it spent on paying bills? Probably not. Keep gas prices down! Keep taxes down! Working people are tired of paying for people who don't want to work who depend on the government to pay their way!!! It's bad when the government has made it so it's cheaper to stay at home rather than work!! |
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5/8/2021 |
Daniela |
Ochoa |
Old Presbyterian Meeting House |
Alexandria |
Virginia |
"I, Daniela Ochoa Gonzalez support a strong TCI-P Model Rule that (1) ensures meaningful climate action to address Virginia's largest driver of our climate crisis, (2) directs... read more "I, Daniela Ochoa Gonzalez support a strong TCI-P Model Rule that (1) ensures meaningful climate action to address Virginia's largest driver of our climate crisis, (2) directs significant investments to correcting historic inequities in overburdened and underserved communities; and (3) affords Virginia the opportunity for a cleaner, healthier transportation system." |
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5/8/2021 |
Laurence |
Williams |
Old Presbyterian Meeting House |
Alexandria |
Virginia |
transportation is the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Virginia and the region, as well as dangerous particulates that cause health problems like asthma.
• particulate... read more transportation is the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Virginia and the region, as well as dangerous particulates that cause health problems like asthma.
• particulate emissions especially impact those near major roads, which often include lower-income and minority communities.
• to solve these problems we need to move to a clean transportation system, and a clean-energy economy.
• TCI-P will greatly help Virginia and the region do this – it will improve air quality, lower health care costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and generate revenue for other environmental initiatives to further accelerate our progress. |
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5/7/2021 |
William |
Casey |
OLQP Church |
Alexandria |
Virginia |
Adopt model rule. Adopt model rule. |
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8/13/2021 |
Brian |
O'Malley |
On behalf of 13 signatories including the Central Maryland Transportation Alliance |
Baltimore |
Maryland |
Joint Comments: TCI-P Draft Policy Statements
August 13, 2021
To: TCI Leadership Team: Kathleen Theoharides, Secretary, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and... read more Joint Comments: TCI-P Draft Policy Statements
August 13, 2021
To: TCI Leadership Team: Kathleen Theoharides, Secretary, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and R. Earl Lewis, Jr., Deputy Secretary, Maryland
Department of Transportation TCI Executive Policy Committee: Marty Suuberg, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and Roger Cohen, Senior Advisor to the Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
TCI Technical Analysis Workgroup: Christine Kirby, Assistant Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and Chris Hoagland, Economist, Climate Change Division, Maryland Department of the Environment
TCI Investment and Equity Workgroup: Garrett Eucalitto, Deputy Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Transportation, Kate Fichter, Assistant Secretary, Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Kirsten Rigney, Legal Director, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and Dan Sieger, Undersecretary of Environmental Affairs, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
TCI Outreach and Communications Workgroup: Chris Bast, Chief Deputy, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and Elle O'Casey, Director of Communications and Outreach, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
Governors and Other State Officials: Connecticut, Delaware, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia
Mayor and Other City Officials: District of Columbia
The undersigned organizations and individuals are based in Maryland and have been following the process to develop the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P). We urge you to ensure that the TCI-P is effective and equitable. To those ends many of the undersigned individuals and organizations submitted comments individually and/or jointly on the Draft Model Rule in May. We also reviewed and discussed the package of updates and new materials released for public comment in June. We offer comments and recommendations on the following aspects of the program and ask you to revise the draft policy statements and/or the Model Rule to better address them.
Air Quality Goals and Air Quality Monitoring
Disadvantaged communities usually have the worst air quality; therefore, the guiding principle must be to improve the air in those communities first.
The air quality monitoring plans in the draft policy documents are vague. The use of technical experts and inclusion of experts on the Equity Advisory Bodies in each state are very important steps. We respectfully suggest that the planned air quality monitoring be hyperlocal. Studies such as one looking at mobile emissions in Newark, New Jersey (attached) have provided valuable information on sources and levels of pollution in communities. However, they must often rely on modeling due to the lack of sufficient air quality monitoring. An approach worth considering is an amendment to the INVEST in America Act introduced in the House this session that calls for detailed monitoring in communities where pollution hotspots are located (see press release from the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis). It is unclear what will be included in the final reconciliation package in Congress, so it is important that TCI jurisdictions have their own detailed plans.
Additionally, not all sources of air pollution will be affected by the TCI-P proposal. This includes air pollution from energy generation and air pollution blown in from outside jurisdictions. What modeling has been done to estimate the regional reductions with time that are to be expected? This would greatly help inform the program review to be conducted at three years to assess whether goals are being achieved or if they should be ratcheted up.
We realize that the initial goals of TCI are a compromise to enhance chances for adoption. However, with the release of the IPCC press report (attached) on August 9, 2021 indicating that the climate crisis is proceeding at a more rapid clip and that more drastic action is necessary, we respectfully request that the goals be readjusted now from the inception to be in-line with what is needed to stave off disaster. From the IPCC: In model pathways with no or limited overshoot of 1.5°C, global net anthropogenic CO2 emissions decline by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 within 40–60% interquartile range (see report on Global Warming of 1.5° C from the IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).
Public Engagement
This section has several guiding principles. The overarching principle, to allow communities to have a stake in the TCI process and own parts of it, seems to be missing. While an Equity Advisory Body is an important first step, it cannot single-handedly ensure equity within the TCI-P. There are established ways to work towards more comprehensive public engagement and mitigation of discriminatory impacts. With that in mind, we offer the following feedback for strengthening public engagement in the TCI-P.
Though equality and equity are distinct goals, TCI-P has an obligation to work towards both as a means of addressing disparities. To achieve this purpose, the Model Rule must more explicitly include specific Title VI Public Participation Guidelines, as required by USDOT Federal Transit Administration. There are specific criteria, guidelines, and programs that distinguish successful agency programs in ensuring meaningful public participation (see California EPA’s Public Participation Manual). The Model Rule should use Title VI as an example of what TCI-P jurisdictions should and should not do in engaging the public.
Community members need to know the levels of pollutants to which they are exposed, and agencies need to learn from the community the public health impacts they are experiencing in order to address the harm.
Agencies need to have a clear understanding of the proactive strategies, procedures, and desired outcomes for their public participation activities. Their public participation plan should be guided by an internal review of how, when, and why public involvement is critical.
The Model Rule should not only recommend specific actions to ensure meaningful public participation in transportation emissions decision-making but also note that there are important indicators for when a public participation program is not successful. If one or more of these indicators is present, the underlying cause(s) should be examined because there are reasons that these circumstances might occur, even if the program itself is sound. It is critical to the success of the program that gaps that result in less meaningful public participation be quickly identified and corrected.
The goal of any public participation process must be to empower communities to advance local residents’ causes, to educate the public, and to influence local policymakers through the voices of the local community affected residents. The program must give communities the power to decide and empower grassroots leaders to develop actionable strategic plans for environmental equality within the affected frontline and fenceline communities.
Additionally, we offer the following responses to the questions posed in the draft framework for public engagement.
1. Is anything missing from this proposed public engagement approach that is important to you?
Under Principle number 1), labor and youth should be particularly included. Youth face specific problems when riding public transit to school, and the school bus system is often overlooked. Also, “meaningful and effective public engagement” should be spelled out, with definitions and/or examples of what would make public engagement meaningful and what would make it effective.
Under Principle number 2), it should be specified which channels of communication the TCI jurisdictions will be using to communicate with stakeholders, how they plan to communicate with non-English speakers, and what information they are planning to share with stakeholders besides where TCI proceeds will be spent.
Under Principle number 4), rather than simply recognizing a community's knowledge and expertise, they should also incorporate communities’ recommendations. This is key, as communities must have a say in the decisions that affect their lives.
Under Principle number 6), they should spell out what they mean by “build capacity” or how they plan on building this capacity.
Also, working with community connectors is key to reaching out to some populations that are hard to reach and could benefit immensely from improving our transportation infrastructure and reducing emissions from this sector. These connectors are groups that have agency, social capital, and the infrastructure to act and disseminate information (faith groups, youth, community serving organizations, justice groups in general, health groups). These are groups that are engaged in the community in other social issues such as health or youth, have cultural competency, and can be connectors.
2. Are there any aspects of the proposed approach that are particularly relevant or important to you?
All the principles are very important. There are two that we would highlight: number 5 as access and representation are key, especially for communities that have historically been underrepresented or not represented at all. And number 6), as there is a need for building capacity in communities that have been underrepresented. Building long-term capacity is critical to ensure long-term participation in this and other opportunities.
3. How could TCI-P jurisdictions provide additional opportunities and entry points for environmental justice, equity, and other stakeholders to meaningfully engage in the implementation of TCI-P?
There is a need to map out different communities across Maryland to make sure there is an opportunity for them to participate. Often, the same communities or advocates dominate the conversation, so mapping out stakeholders and communities from the onset will ensure broader engagement.
4. Does anything need to be added to these principles to guide each jurisdiction’s implementation of TCI-P to effectively target benefits for environmental, climate, and transportation justice communities, tribal communities, and other equity stakeholders (e.g., air quality improvement, access to reliable, low-cost transportation options)?
No additional comments.
Prioritizing Investment in Overburdened and Underserved Communities
Our current transportation system is deeply inequitable. The overarching guiding principle for TCI is, therefore, to overcome existing inequities in transportation impacts (such as noise and pollution) and inequities in access. As research from the Union of Concerned Scientists shows, Black and Brown communities face disproportionate exposure to and health harms from transportation vehicle pollution.
Low-income families and individuals across urban, rural, and suburban areas struggle to obtain safe and affordable transportation to work, school, medical appointments, recreation, and other needs. Many of these same overburdened and underserved communities are on the front lines of and most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Given the attention to overburdened and underserved communities in the Draft Framework for Public Engagement and Draft TCI-P Model Implementation Plan, as well as in the goal of investing at least 35% of TCI expenditures in said communities, the way that these communities are identified is very important. While each jurisdiction’s Equity Advisory Board will play a role in developing the criteria for this definition, the TCI-P should suggest multiple points in that process where opportunities for meaningful input by each Equity Advisory Board will be added and ensure that each Equity Advisory Board has sufficient authority to establish or revise the definition. Additionally, the TCI-P should recommend a few major categories to consider the cumulative impacts of, such as air pollution burdens; at-risk groups; socioeconomic factors; access to jobs, schools, healthy foods and other destinations via auto and non-auto modes of transportation; and communities where a high percentage of workers spend at least 45 minutes commuting to work . The TCI-P jurisdictions should also identify data gaps and strategies to address them (e.g., air quality monitoring, access to jobs from suburban communities) as a part of TCI implementation to ensure these communities are identified with enough accuracy and spatial specificity.
Archplan Inc.
Central Maryland Transportation Alliance
Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility
Climate Law & Policy Project
Coalition for Smarter Growth
Indivisible Howard County
Maryland Conservation Council
Maryland League of Conservation Voters - Chispa Maryland
Maryland Sierra Club
Oncologists United for Climate & Health
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Maryland, Climate Change Task Force
Joint Comments_TCI-P draft Policy Statements_Aug 13 2021.pdf |
5/7/2021 |
Brian |
O'Malley |
On behalf of 14 signatories including the Central Maryland Transportation Alliance |
Baltimore |
Maryland |
Please see the attached letter signed by 14 organizations in Maryland. Please see the attached letter signed by 14 organizations in Maryland. |
Joint Comments_ TCI-P Draft Model Rule and Public Engagement - Maryland Advocates.pdf |
8/18/2021 |
Brian |
O'Malley |
On behalf of 17 signatories including the Central Maryland Transportation Alliance |
Baltimore |
Maryland |
Please accept this updated version of the letter we originally submitted on August 13, 2021. It includes an added section titled “Promoting Local Economic Opportunity and Creating High Quality... read more Please accept this updated version of the letter we originally submitted on August 13, 2021. It includes an added section titled “Promoting Local Economic Opportunity and Creating High Quality Jobs: Recommendations to the Draft Model Implementation Plan (MIP) and Proposed Strategies for Regional Collaboration” and additional signatories. |
Updated Joint Comments_TCI-P draft Policy Statements_Aug 18 2021.pdf |
5/7/2021 |
David |
Kuebrich |
Our revolution Falls Church |
Fairfax |
Virginia |
The proposed Transportation and Climate Initiative Program should be adopted immediately.
The TCI-P is an excellent initial plan for cutting vehicle emissions in Virginia (and... read more The proposed Transportation and Climate Initiative Program should be adopted immediately.
The TCI-P is an excellent initial plan for cutting vehicle emissions in Virginia (and surrounding states). It will promote an increase in electric vehicles and the needed charging infrastructure to support this revolutionary transformation of transportation.
This initiative, plus the complementary steps being taken by our federal government, will provide thousands of well-paying new jobs for Virginians, especially in front-line communities. Even more important: it will help save our endangered planet, so future generations can survive and thrive.
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5/7/2021 |
Steven |
Gillard |
Parent and Presbyterian Ruling Elder |
Arlington |
Virginia |
I support TCI-P as an effort to lower emission from the transportation sector and to raise revenue to fund the infrastructure we need to further reduce emissions and to support frontline... read more I support TCI-P as an effort to lower emission from the transportation sector and to raise revenue to fund the infrastructure we need to further reduce emissions and to support frontline communities who are disproportionately affected by pollution from transportation. I support efforts that recognize that market mechanisms can benefit environmental justice efforts and have the potential to build a broad base of political support. As a Christian and a dad I want to take aggressive action to give my kids a livable future and to steward God's beautiful creation. |
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5/7/2021 |
Tom |
Obenschain |
partner |
Richmond |
Virginia |
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments... read more I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments from the program, (2) integration of air quality commitments across Virginia, and (3) robust empowerment of Virginia's Equity Advisory Body. |
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