5/7/2021 |
jennifer |
schutt |
na |
henrico |
Virginia |
put a brake on carbon emissions while investing in cleaner, more equitable and resilient transportation systems put a brake on carbon emissions while investing in cleaner, more equitable and resilient transportation systems |
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4/27/2021 |
Katherine |
Schubart |
retired journalist and active citizen |
Hinesburg |
Vermont |
Thank you for reaching out to the public as the Draft Model Rule is in development. I have read a number of comments with attention and, speaking as a Vermonter, it is clear that a regional public... read more Thank you for reaching out to the public as the Draft Model Rule is in development. I have read a number of comments with attention and, speaking as a Vermonter, it is clear that a regional public transportation initiative will benefit Vermont as well as the Northeast in vital ways. I note that as we have a growing older population the value of public transportation will only increase. Well-planned public transportation is of value locally—which cannot be overemphasized, as we are so far behind in this area as a country, but high-speed train service, as in Europe, for longer distances should be included if we want the Northeast to boom economically in the post-fossil fuel age we are entering. What’s more, in a post-Covid era, with office workers likely to work from home much more often, we have a chance to boost rural areas that have been suffering population drain by at long last planning a truly effective network for public transportation. Train—and electrical bus—commuting can, if properly designed, reduce CO-2 emissions, but they alsoo have other benefits, suh as reduced stress and increased effective working hours for those who commute. I speak as someone who commuted by bus and train for ten years. We humans have constructive capacities. This Draft Model Rule reflects that, especially in its regional rather than state-based thinking. It’s time to move on to a healthier and also more economically sound transportation system. I hope Vermont will soon join the coalition. |
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4/28/2021 |
Wolfger |
Schneider |
BetternotbiggerVT.org |
Charlotte |
Vermont |
As I read between the lines of the TCI-P proposal, its effect will be to raise the price of fuel at the service station. This would of course burden the low income public that may need... read more As I read between the lines of the TCI-P proposal, its effect will be to raise the price of fuel at the service station. This would of course burden the low income public that may need transportation to make a living. How about a proposal that does not effect the price of fuel at the pump but does provide incentives for different mobility purchase choices?
A recent report noted that "....higher emissions from the market shift to larger, more powerful vehicles have swamped potential CO2 reductions from electric vehicles by a factor of five." Maybe it's time to tax fuel inefficient cars, upon purchase, for the price of lifetime CO2 generation above that of a fleet equivalent EV. Consider: with the social cost of CO2 at $50/ton, and each gallon of gasoline creating 20 lbs of CO2, the social cost of CO2 is about 1$/gal. An EV with a 100 mpge rating would thus create a CO2 social cost of $2000 over a lifetime of 200,000 miles. A vehicle getting only 25 mpg would create a social cost of $8000, $6000 more the the EV. That would be the tax upon purchase. Inclusion of this real cost to the environment might motivate purchasers of new cars to consider buying an EV over a gas guzzler. Revenue raised could be used to offset EV purchases. Low income people don’t typically buy new cars and would thus not be burdened by this extra cost upon purchase of a used car that has already paid the CO2 charge. For cars driven in VT but purchased outside the State, an age proportional charge would be asessed. |
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5/7/2021 |
Leonard |
Scharf |
Williamsburg |
Virginia |
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and under served communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments... read more I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and under served communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments from the program, (2) integration of air quality commitments across Virginia, and (3) robust empowerment of Virginia's Equity Advisory Body." |
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5/7/2021 |
Jeff |
Schafer |
None |
Everett |
Washington |
"According to soil scientists, at current rates of soil destruction (i.e. decarbonization,.....),....we will literally no longer have enough arable topsoil to feed ourselves.... read more TCI-P,
"According to soil scientists, at current rates of soil destruction (i.e. decarbonization,.....),....we will literally no longer have enough arable topsoil to feed ourselves."
DECARBONIZATION is causing Soil Destruction!!!
What we NEED is to take the extra Carbon out of the air & put it directly into the ground, where it is needed.
We do not need to fully decarbonize the transportation sector, nor is it desirable as it will CREATE other severe problems like Soil Destruction.
We need to cut-out the middlemen, like the transportation sector, & simply use Carbon Capture to take excess CO2 out of the air & inject it into the soil where it is needed most.
Way too much emphasis has been put on Carbon in the atmosphere (which is very benign) & not enough focus on gases far more dangerous to Climate Change, from refrigerant used in Air Conditioners to Methane Gas (Methane's "global warming potential is 86 times higher than carbon dioxide when averaged over 20 years").
We NEED Energy Diversity, & not rely on just 1 type of energy (like electricity), to have a BALANCED approach to a Healthy Environment while meeting our Energy Needs in a Common-Sense Clean manner (like with Renewable Gasoline, Renewable Diesel, & other Biofuels for transportation, ALL of which are made from recycled EXISTING CO2).
We should NOT be wasting Time nor Money "reinventing the wheel", which creates additional unnecessary pollution.
Nor should we go to the extremes of fully decarbonization which will lead to other More Severe Environmental problems.
Keep in mind "The current industrial food system is responsible for 44 to 57% of all global greenhouse gas emissions." (The "current industrial food system", NOT transportation.) https://regenerationinternational.org/why-regenerative-agriculture
Jeff |
'DECARBONIZATION' is causing 'SOIL DESTRUCTION' (from Regenerative Agriculture site) [WORD version].docx |
5/7/2021 |
Donelle |
Sawyer |
VA League of Conservation Voters |
Vienna |
Virginia |
Emissions, from a wide variety of vehicles which account for nearly half of Virginia's carbon output, are a huge driver of climate change, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls... read more Emissions, from a wide variety of vehicles which account for nearly half of Virginia's carbon output, are a huge driver of climate change, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls disproportionately on low-income populations and communities of color.
The Transportation and Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P) is a positive and welcome step forward to addressing this major source of pollution. The program will spur needed investments in a modern, sustainable transportation system. These investments could put more electric vehicles on the road in Virginia along with equitably distributed charging infrastructure across the state.
The TCI-P also presents the opportunity to direct investments in a cleaner transportation system in the communities that have suffered the most from vehicle pollution. While the model rule calls for at least 35 percent of TCI proceeds to go toward frontline, impacted communities, here in Virginia I would hope we go above and beyond that benchmark to at least 50% of TCI revenue in programs and infrastructure that will lower this disproportionate pollution burden.
It is my hope, as well as my plea, that this important framework moves forward for the good of our climate, our health and our future.
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5/7/2021 |
Cathy |
Saunders |
Lewinsville Faith in Action |
Arlington |
Virginia |
The plan strikes me as a sensible step toward reducing particulate emissions, especially in communities near highways (which tend to be minority and/or low income) and toward reducing greenhouse... read more The plan strikes me as a sensible step toward reducing particulate emissions, especially in communities near highways (which tend to be minority and/or low income) and toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Any increase in gas prices would be small in comparison to the normal fluctuations, and the combined revenue and cost savings in other areas (including health care) would more than offset those costs. I strongly favor the plan. |
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5/5/2021 |
CArol |
Sarginger |
business owner |
Ruckersville |
Virginia |
Virginia cannot afford to join the TCI. The cost to the energy sector will trickle down and impact all Virginians using fuel Virginia cannot afford to join the TCI. The cost to the energy sector will trickle down and impact all Virginians using fuel |
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5/8/2021 |
Ramona |
Sanders |
Muhlenberg Lutheran Church |
Virginia |
Put the brakes on carbon emissions. Put the brakes on carbon emissions. |
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5/7/2021 |
Darleen |
Rudnick |
self |
Williamsburg |
Virginia |
I'm opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will cost consumers and businesses too much at the gas pump. read more I'm opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will cost consumers and businesses too much at the gas pump. |
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5/7/2021 |
Staci |
Rubin |
Conservation Law Foundation |
Boston |
Massachusetts |
Please see the attached comments of Conservation Law Foundation regarding the Draft Model Rule and Public Engagement. Please see the attached comments of Conservation Law Foundation regarding the Draft Model Rule and Public Engagement. |
Comments on TCI Model Rule, Public Engagement Planning 5.7.21.pdf |
8/13/2021 |
Staci |
Rubin |
Conservation Law Foundation |
Boston |
Massachusetts |
Please see the attached letter from Conservation Law Foundation. Please see the attached letter from Conservation Law Foundation. |
Comments on TCI Model Public Engagement 8.21.pdf |
4/27/2021 |
Saly |
Roth |
Bristol |
Vermont |
Vermont MUST join the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program Vermont MUST join the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program |
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5/6/2021 |
Ethan |
Rogers |
UVM 2020 Graduate |
Pomfret Center |
Connecticut |
An increased and robust ability for the public to have transparency available to them regarding public works projects they fund seems a stellar notion. The more transparency the better! An increased and robust ability for the public to have transparency available to them regarding public works projects they fund seems a stellar notion. The more transparency the better! |
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5/7/2021 |
Tony |
Rogers |
Pelham MA Energy Committee |
Pelham |
Massachusetts |
Please understand that I offer my comments in the spirit of someone who really wants the TCI-P to be successful and to make a big difference in our climate emissions. We need it to be successful!... read more Please understand that I offer my comments in the spirit of someone who really wants the TCI-P to be successful and to make a big difference in our climate emissions. We need it to be successful! But, as proposed, it is an embarrassment. 1) The claims of on the order of 25% reductions of transportation emissions over 10 years is based, by your own admission, on overly optimistic projections of the effect of other transportation policies. TCI-P itself will have a miniscule effect on transportation emissions. The over-selling of TCI-P is totally transparent and will only lead to effective opposition. 2) The amount of funding produced by TCI-P pales in comparison with the funds that will be needed to address transportation climate emissions in the member states. 3) Limiting transportation fuel price increases to levels that will be undetectable within the normal fluctuations of fuel prices reveals the lack of political will on the part of TCI-P states to step out and lead on climate change. The proposal is an embarrassment from the point of view someone who is rooting for NE states to address climate emissions. It is time for TCI-P participants to look in the mirror and decide if they have the courage to lead at a time when we need honest leadership or if they can, with a clear conscience, continue to sell a failure of leadership with deceptive claims of wonderful results. |
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5/6/2021 |
Chuck |
Rockacy |
independent |
Charlottesville |
Virginia |
• I’m opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will impact average citizens, truckers and businesses alike. The cost to the energy sector will trickle down and impact all Virginians using fuel.... read more • I’m opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will impact average citizens, truckers and businesses alike. The cost to the energy sector will trickle down and impact all Virginians using fuel.
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5/6/2021 |
Hyrum |
Robinson |
Self |
Stafford |
Virginia |
Please don't pass TCI in Virginia. As I've lived in Virginia, one of the ways that my family has been able to make ends meet is the affordable energy prices compared to California,... read more Please don't pass TCI in Virginia. As I've lived in Virginia, one of the ways that my family has been able to make ends meet is the affordable energy prices compared to California, specifically gas prices are much more affordable. I understand that revenue raised will go to specific industries that may or may not be effective at discovering better energy efficiency. Also, I've read that there will be marginal climate change prevention. So it's a bad policy. |
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5/5/2021 |
Jeff |
Roadcap |
Citizen |
Broadway |
Virginia |
I’m opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will cost consumers and businesses too much at the gas pump. This ignorance of trying to kill fossil fuels in a short order is irresponsible.... read more I’m opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will cost consumers and businesses too much at the gas pump. This ignorance of trying to kill fossil fuels in a short order is irresponsible. Technology is improving and we will get there but not at the expense of killing businesses and costing families more. This venture needs to be funded privately not by the taxpayer! Stop the stupidity!! |
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5/4/2021 |
James |
Riordan |
Citizen |
Fredericksburg |
Virginia |
As stated in a recent Fredericksburg Free Lance Star article, this initiative is "all pain and no gain" for the citizens of Virginia. Imposing a significant tax on gas-powered vehicles... read more As stated in a recent Fredericksburg Free Lance Star article, this initiative is "all pain and no gain" for the citizens of Virginia. Imposing a significant tax on gas-powered vehicles while not taxing EVs, which actually cause a greater carbon deficit during their manufacture, is absurd. |
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5/4/2021 |
Anne |
Riordan |
Virginia Resident & Tax Payer |
Fredericksburg |
Virginia |
Studies and research project that this initiative (TCI) will only reduce global temperature by a minute amount; while costing Virginians an exorbitant (regressive) carbon tax on the fuel they need... read more Studies and research project that this initiative (TCI) will only reduce global temperature by a minute amount; while costing Virginians an exorbitant (regressive) carbon tax on the fuel they need to travel all the while - reducing the revenue needed to maintain our roads. Electric vehicles' manufacturing process result in its own pollutants for a long time, and EV batteries are toxic and currently not being disposed of safely. There is no 'cost-benefit' to this proposed rule. As always, any increases in costs to companies will simply be passed along to their consumers. I am against this proposed rule and TCI. It flies in the face of logic. |
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