View Public Input on TCI-P

This page shows public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal. You can submit your input here.
For more information on how to reach out to your jurisdiction directly, see the TCI Jurisdiction Points of Contact page.
All public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal since March 1, 2021 appears on this page. You can view public input from the 2019-2020 policy development process here.
First Lastsort ascending Affiliation City State Input File
Ken Barter Retired Haymarket Virginia
Very important to invest in cleaner, more equitable and resilient transportation system NOW.
Brett Barry Clean Energy Newport Beach California
Clean Energy greatly appreciates the opportunity to comment on the (TCI) Draft Model Rule for the TCI-Program (TCI-P). We also applaud your dedication to this long-term effort to meaningfully...
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TCI Comments 5-7-21.docx
Brett Barry Clean Energy Newport Beach California
Clean Energy greatly appreciates the opportunity provide comments on the TCI-P supporting materials. Our comments are attached.
Clean Energy TCI-P August 2021 Comments.pdf
Joe Bared Citizen Arlington Virginia
We don't want to pay any more taxes. The carbon that the government wants to reduce is political. You should stop spreading falsehood about carbon emission.

The Government should...
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Steve Banashek Self Alexandria Virginia
Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions and a significant source of particulate pollution in Virginia and that is why I support a strong TCI-P Model Rule that (1) ensures...
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Ralph "Carlton" Ballowe None Faber Virginia
In this time of extreme hardship for businesses and individuals due to COVID shutdowns and recession, it is hard to imagine any elected leader considering imposing additional hardship on consumers...
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Matthew Ball VCU Richmond Virginia
Please don’t add this tax. We cannot afford a program that yields virtually no benefit.
Charles Ball Retired Fredericksburg Virginia
I oppose VA joining the TCI
Jane Ball Retired Fredericksburg Virginia
I'm opposed to membership in the TCI. read more
Brian Arnold Concerned Citizen Culpeper Virginia
Another tax on fellow Virginias/Americans just doesn't make sense. NO!!!! read more
Kristin Armstrong Petroleum Tax Tools Oklahoma City Oklahoma
How will you account for retail stations that could bring in fuel to the TCI jurisdictions from non-TCI jurisdictions via rail or truck? Is there a true up of amounts capped and amounts delivered...
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Margaret Arbogast Peaked Mountain Farm Harrisonburg Virginia
Virginia cannot afford to join the TCI. The cost to the energy sector will trickle down and impact all Virginians using fuel including farmers who produce your food. Thank you, Margaret Arbogast...
William April VPIRG Waterbury Ctr Vermont
We need the TCI-P to create and manage a more equitable and inexpensive public transit system. We need to add more electric powered vehicles- vans, buses, and cars. We need to cut down the green...
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William April VPIRG Waterbury Ctr Vermont
I support the TCI-P because WE will not reap the regional benefits if WE are not part of it. This program will keep the region in its' best position to control pricing and distribution of...
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Phoebe Antrim Richmond Friends Meeting Henrico county Virginia
The TCI-P Model Rule should should include a minimum investment to ensure an expanded proportion of investments for the. Underserved and overburdened populations.

The Rule should...
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Douglas Anderson N/A Falmouth Virginia
I do not believe we need a carbon tax here in Virginia, we already pay more than enough in taxes. Taxing diesel more will not only increase the fuel tax, but our food supply, as well as...
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Susan Altoft Ms. Bennington, Vermont
Please support this much needed initiative.
Andrew Alden Earth Blacksburg Virginia
We face a lot of tough challenges with reducing GHG productiong to address the Global Climate Emergency. Fortunately, transportation is one area where we can really changes things for the better...
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Rachel Adams American for Prosperity Virginia Beach Virginia
More barriers and hurdles for people to jump through isn’t the answer. We need less regulation and more free choice. I oppose this program and am against my taxes being raised to pay for it.
Kent A Bourgault republican Fitchburg Massachusetts
I would like to submit my disapproval for the Commonwealth of Massachusett's participation in the TCI.
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