View Public Input on TCI-P

This page shows public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal. You can submit your input here.
For more information on how to reach out to your jurisdiction directly, see the TCI Jurisdiction Points of Contact page.
All public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal since March 1, 2021 appears on this page. You can view public input from the 2019-2020 policy development process here.
First Lastsort ascending Affiliation City State Input File
David Feurzeig University of Vermont Huntington Vermont
I urge the Vermont Legislature and Go. Scott to sign on to the TCI-P initiative. It is critical we provide momentum to this key effort not just to save the planet, but because it will invigorate...
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Molly Feldman VPIRG Burlington Vermont
Governor Scott,

Our beautiful state is regarded as a sustainable, forward thinking place that takes bold action to mitigate our present climate crisis. But ultimately, we are...
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William Espinosa concerned citizen and member of various organizations ffighting climate change Ivy Virginia
No issue is more important than addressing the climate crisis and everything that can reasonably be done to minimize GHG emissions from the transportation sector should be undertaken. Please take...
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Bob Erdman Self Potomac Maryland
The cost of climate change will be reduced by programs such as the TCI-P. The longer we wait to mitigate climate change, the more it will cost in the future.

Transportation is...
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Elizabeth Ende Virginia Democracy Forward McLean Virginia
I am writing to support a strong TCI-P Model Rule that can make a sizeable difference towards climate action since transportation is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions and...
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Mason Emnett Exelon Corporation Washington District of Columbia
Attached please see the comments of Exelon Corporation
20210429 TCI-P Comments - Exelon Corporation.pdf
Leigh Eicehr Individual Henrico Virginia
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include:

(1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of...
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Margaretha Eckhardt Retired Waltham Massachusetts
Attractive, convenient public transportation is needed throughout the Boston area, which requires increased frequency and additional train and bus lines. I believe SMART growth principles can...
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Mark Eakin retired Silver Spring Maryland
Transportation is the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the region, as well as dangerous particulates that cause health problems like asthma. Particulate emissions especially impact...
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Philomena Dunkl University of Virginia Charlottesville Virginia
I oppose Virginia joining the TCI. The policies of the TCI to reduce carbon emission will result in increased costs for energy and gasoline. These costs will be a burden to businesses and...
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Nicole Duimstra Virginia Conservation Network Richmond Virginia
I support a strong TCI-P Model Rule that (1) ensures meaningful climate action to address Virginia's largest driver of our climate crisis, (2) directs significant investments to correcting...
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Barbara Duerk CONNECT NOW Roanoke Virginia
Climate and air quality are directly related to a healthy community. Community design should be walking and bicycling friendly. HEALTHY community includes neighborhood schools where children can...
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Rick Drom Lawyer Spotsylvania Courthouse Virginia
I strongly support efforts to address the existential threat posed by greenhouse gases by an "all of the above" strategy. The stakes are too high for Virginians to be worried about 20%...
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Akara Draper none East Dummerston Vermont
Dear Governor Scott,

I feel that it is imperative that Vermont join the TCI-P. The program needs to achieve three critical needs: it must strengthen the Vermont economy, reduce carbon...
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William Dove UVA Health North Garden Virginia
1) I’m opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will cost consumers and businesses too much at the gas pump.

2) Virginia should not join TCI. It will impact average citizens, truckers...
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Russell Donnelly JCAN FRAMINGHAM Massachusetts
I find the proposed structure of this proposal dubious and annoying.It seems to posit that through a complicated structure that pressures the sources of transportation carbon emission we will...
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Russell Donnelly HPS Framingham Massachusetts
I have just read that Conn. seems to be leaving the TCI process too.It seems that they are afraid that adding $.05-$.06 to the price of gas will be just too much .According to Wood Mackenzie and...
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Hal Donahue retired energy executive Great Falls Virginia
Remember acid rain? Many of you may not as it is no longer poisoning our earth and water. One way this problem was so dramatically and quickly solved was a proposal similar to TCI-P.
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David Dickinson Virginia Citizen Fredericksburg Virginia
This is one of the worst ideas dreamed up. The cost is extremely high and the return is nil. Virginia should not participate.
Giovanni DiBianco Taxpayer Prospect Connecticut
I would like to know what the TCI does to help the American Taxpayer/ homeowner. If we are to pay more for the price of fossil fuels which we use to heat our homes and get to work. I would like to...
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