View Public Input on TCI-P

This page shows public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal. You can submit your input here.
For more information on how to reach out to your jurisdiction directly, see the TCI Jurisdiction Points of Contact page.
All public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal since March 1, 2021 appears on this page. You can view public input from the 2019-2020 policy development process here.
First Lastsort descending Affiliation City State Input File
Susan Bartram Lewinsville Faith in Action McLean Virginia
I support a strong TCIP- Model Rule. The burden climate change places on our communities is steadily worsening. Action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is needed now; we cannot delay any longer...
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Michael Basile Citizen Charlottesville Virginia
Reduce taxes period. Especially on transportation. Most people make less money, so don’t suggest our state government needs more. You need less. Screw your “cut” criminals.

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Carl Bayer Ryegate Energy Committee Ryegate Vermont
Dear Governor Scott - It is hard to come to grips with the enormity of the Climate Emergency that we are trapped in. Yes, the heating of the planet will rise exponentially in the near future, but...
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Elaine Becker citizen Roanoke Virginia
We ALL need Clean Air!

Please cap carbon from transportation exhaust. Manufacturers of polluting fuels MUST be held accountable for the damage they cause!
Leslie Bellas Citizen Oakland Maryland
Please see the attached comment letter.
FINAL Comments on TCI-P_LB.pdf
Ellen Benitez MAPDA Annapolis Maryland
The proposed Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) Model Rule is unlikely to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles by a targeted 66 million tons a year by 2032. In fact, using...
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MAPDA Model Rule comments final .pdf
Alison Bennett Saint Mark Presbyterian Church Potomac Maryland
I am a Presbyterian elder who cares deeply for God’s creation. A stable climate is the most fundamental determinant of health. With our pollution, we are contributing to more and earlier deaths...
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Peter Bergstrom Concerned citizen SAXTONS RIVER Vermont
I feel strongly that the percentage of fuel credit revenue dedicated to equity investments must exceed the percentage of underserved communities in the state. Instead of a flat percentage,...
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Virginia Bethune retired HARRISONBURG Virginia
Please put a brake on carbon emissions while investing in cleaner, more equitable and resilient transportation systems.
faith bieler Vt. citizen waterbury center Vermont
Please...invest in cleaner more equitable transportation...putting a brake on carbon emissions!!

Thanks you,

Gary Blevins Private Citizen Fredericksburg Virginia
This is not a good idea. It is just the way to try to get more money from the citizens of Virginia to pay for miniscule environmental benefits. DO NOT APPROVE THIS. It is a terrible idea for...
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Eldon Boes NA Alexandria Virginia
I strongly support Virginia's participation in a regional transportation and climate initiative. Virginia must move forward to do its share in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, and...
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Jesse Bohl None North Chesterfield Virginia
If the level of carbon pumped into our air by fossil fuels is not curtailed greatly and very soon, there will be no air left for us, as well as lots of other living beings to breath.
Jamez Bolton Friends of Nelson Lovingston Virginia
It is crucial thar VA take every opportunity to make the transition away from fossil fuels to an economy driven by clean, renewable energy, including, most importantly, in non-polluting...
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Terry Bosworth democrat Westford Vermont
Terrific plan! Reduce pollution, stimulate the economy, focus on the most needy, cooperate with other states. Please support TCI-P
Dan Bowerson Alliance for Automotive Innovation Southfield Michigan
Please find attached supportive comments for the TCI-P Model Rule from the Alliance for Automotive Innovation.
Auto Innovators Comments_TCI-P Model Rule_200507.pdf
Charles Boyer retired King George Virginia
I am opposed to TCI because it has all the appearance of a bureaucratic nightmare.

What I have read is that it raises prices on consumer goods such as gasoline, requires endless paperwork...
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Volpe Boykin Citizen Carrsville Virginia
This is more Democrat destruction to the economy that will drive up prices and accomplish absolutely nothing except rising prices. I hope by November people wake up and vote out the idiots that...
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Vera Brandt United Church of Christ Lynchburg Virginia
It is absolutely that this be supported. It is our responibility to mitigate the damage being done to our planet. We have no other. Humans and other species are face obliteration if we continue...
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Natalee Braun 350VT Burlington School District Essex Vermont
I urge Vermont to participate in the Transportation and Climate Initiative. This is a pivotal moment in our history - we need to act decisively now to cut carbon emissions or the results will be...
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