View Public Input on TCI-P

This page shows public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal. You can submit your input here.
For more information on how to reach out to your jurisdiction directly, see the TCI Jurisdiction Points of Contact page.
All public input on the TCI-P development and implementation process received through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal since March 1, 2021 appears on this page. You can view public input from the 2019-2020 policy development process here.
Firstsort descending Last Affiliation City State Input File
Sharon Shutler Climate & Clean Energy Working Group, Virginia Grassroots Coalition Arlington Virginia
I strongly support TCI-P. Transportation emissions are a major contributor to climate change and in Virginia, amount to nearly half of Virginia’s carbon output. The science is clear and the...
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Shelby Shifflett Concerned private citizen Afton Virginia
I’m opposed to Virginia joining the TCI. It will cost consumers and businesses too much at the gas pump.
Sherrie Merrow Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica) Washington District of Columbia
Please see letter in attached file.

Thank you,

Sherrie Merrow

NGVAmerica | | 303.883.5121
NGVA Comments on TCI-P Draft Model Rule - May 5 2021.pdf
Sherrie Merrow NGVAmerica Washington District of Columbia
Submission 1 of 2

Please see the NGVAmerica comment letter on the TCI-P draft materials that is attached. NOTE that I will send a second attachment that is referenced in our letter...
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NGVAmerica Comments on TCI-P draft materials - Aug 12 2021.pdf
Sherrie Merrow NGVAmerica Washington District of Columbia
Submission 2 of 2

Please see the attached letter that is referenced in the just submitted NGVAmerica comment letter on the TCI-P draft materials and let me know if you have any...
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NGVA 2nd file submission to TCI-P - CA SCAQMD Response letter 080321.pdf
Sofia Owen Alternatives for Community & Environment (ACE) Boston Massachusetts
Please see attached for comments from the Climate Justice Alliance.
CJA NE comments on TCI model rule 4_21.pdf
SPENCER PUTNAM Climate Economy Action Center Weybridge Vermont
Climate Economy Action Center of Addison County (CEAC) is developing a Climate Action Plan and reducing transportation-related emissions is a key element. We need the TCI-P to help us reach our...
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Staci Rubin Conservation Law Foundation Boston Massachusetts
Please see the attached comments of Conservation Law Foundation regarding the Draft Model Rule and Public Engagement.
Comments on TCI Model Rule, Public Engagement Planning 5.7.21.pdf
Staci Rubin Conservation Law Foundation Boston Massachusetts
Please see the attached letter from Conservation Law Foundation.
Comments on TCI Model Public Engagement 8.21.pdf
Stanley Wong NACS, NATSO, and SIGMA Washington District of Columbia
Please see attached comments from the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS), the National Association of Truckstop Operators (NATSO), and the Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers...
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NACS NATSO SIGMA TCI Draft Model Rule - Comment Letter.pdf
stephen mcdermott American King George Virginia
I'm against a carbon tax. read more
Stephen Cooper U.S. Government Defense Contractor Palmyra Virginia
Virginia cannot afford to join the TCI. The cost to the energy sector will trickle down and impact all Virginians using fuel.
Stephen Szafranski Citizen Fredericksburg Virginia
I oppose any participation in tci by the state of Virginia
Steve Banashek Self Alexandria Virginia
Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions and a significant source of particulate pollution in Virginia and that is why I support a strong TCI-P Model Rule that (1) ensures...
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Steven Stone private citizen Brattleboro Vermont
Transportation emissions account for almost half of climate pollution in Vermont. In order to meet our requirements under the Global Warming Solutions Act, we must substantially decrease emissions...
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Steven Thai N/A South Riding Virginia
Transportation is a large emitter of gasses that contribute to climate change. I'm also tired of the terrible traffic due to a underdeveloped and underfunded public transportation system. The...
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Steven Gillard Parent and Presbyterian Ruling Elder Arlington Virginia
I support TCI-P as an effort to lower emission from the transportation sector and to raise revenue to fund the infrastructure we need to further reduce emissions and to support frontline...
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Steven Vogel Citizen (retired) Falls Church Virginia
Transportation emissions are a huge driver of climate change, accounting for nearly half of Virginia’s carbon output, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls disproportionately on low-...
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Steven Vogel Private Citizen (retired) Falls Church Virginia
I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include the following:

(1) A minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-...
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Stuart Gardner Generation180 Charlottesville Virginia
Hello. I support Virginia's adoption of the Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI). Transportation is the largest contributor of carbon emissions in the Commonwealth. TCI provides...
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