Oct. 1, 2019: TCI jurisdictions share updates on policy design process

NOTE: This page includes information shared by TCI jurisdictions on October 1, 2019. For the most up-to-date information, go to the TCI Regional Policy Design Process 2019 webpage.

October 1, 2019  – Jurisdictions participating in the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) have made available a framework for a draft regional policy proposal to reduce greenhouse gas pollution from transportation, and are encouraging interested individuals and organizations to provide feedback on the draft framework through the TCI portal. This high-level framework represents an important milestone in the jurisdictions’ bipartisan regional collaboration this year, and reflects extensive public engagement, technical analysis and consultation. A draft memorandum of understanding (MOU) building on the framework is anticipated in December of 2019. After considering further public input, a final MOU is expected in the Spring of 2020, at which point each jurisdiction will decide whether to sign the final MOU and participate in the regional program. TCI jurisdictions encourage all interested parties to provide input and feedback on the draft framework in writing via the online portal on the TCI website. Feedback on the draft framework is most helpful if received by November 5.

View the Framework for a Draft Regional Policy Proposal

The TCI jurisdictions also shared additional detail on the timeline for the TCI regional policy development process for the remainder of 2019 and 2020, including additional opportunities for public input and feedback.

  • October 1, 2019 – Release of framework for a draft regional policy proposal
  • October/November 2019 – Gather and consider public input on framework
  • December 2019 – Release of a regional policy proposal in the form of a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), accompanied by modeling results that estimate the energy and emissions implications of different cap levels and investment scenarios, as well as potential costs and benefits of different program design options.
  • January/February 2020 – Gather and consider public input on Draft MOU
  • Spring 2020 – Jurisdictions release a final Memorandum of Understanding. At this point, each jurisdiction will decide whether to sign the MOU and participate in the regional program.
  • Spring –  Fall 2020 – Participating jurisdictions develop a “model rule” and take any legislative steps that could be needed to implement the regional program.
  • 2021 – Jurisdictions conduct rulemaking process to adopt regulations.
  • As early as 2022 –  Program implementation begins.

In addition to the Framework for a Draft Regional Policy Proposal, TCI jurisdictions made available two supplemental documents:

  • Summary of Public Input to Date 
    Also available now is a high-level summary of the extensive input people and organizations have submitted through regional workshops and webinars this year. Since the beginning of this year, TCI jurisdictions have conducted three regional workshops and several webinars, and continue to encourage interested people and organizations to submit input and ideas online. In addition, individual TCI jurisdictions are continuing to offer public workshops and other opportunities for people to participate in the policy development process. The content of the draft regional policy framework has been informed by all the input received so far, and TCI jurisdictions will continue to review and consider additional input as they prepare to release a regional policy proposal later this year.

  • Program Modeling Update
    A range of modeling tools are being used to help inform decisions by TCI jurisdictions regarding the design of a regional cap-and-invest program and to provide a fuller picture of the potential benefits and costs of different program design options. While information about the modeling strategy has been shared with the public during TCI webinars held in May and July of this year, a written description with additional details is now available. 

About TCI's regional low-carbon transportation policy design process 

Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) jurisdictions are developing a regional policy for low-carbon transportation following the December 18, 2018 statement by nine states and Washington DC committing to:

“…design a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal that would cap and reduce carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation fuels through a cap-and-invest program or other pricing mechanism… [and]… to complete the policy development process within one year, after which each jurisdiction will decide whether to adopt and implement the policy.”

TCI jurisdictions have designed a workplan with the goal of developing a policy that accelerates the transition to a low-carbon transportation future and delivers a better, cleaner, more resilient transportation system that benefits all our communities, particularly those underserved by current transportation options and disproportionately burdened by pollution, while making significant reductions in greenhouse gases and other harmful air pollution across the region. With ongoing facilitation support from the Georgetown Climate Center, TCI states are planning and beginning to implement a range of activities to ensure that the final proposed policy reflects further input from stakeholders, rigorous technical analysis, and consultation with leading experts.

For additional background, see the TCI Regional Policy Design Process Fact Sheet and the Cap-and-Invest Fact Sheet. Both documents are available in English, Spanish, Portugese, Chinese, and Haitian Creole.